
  • Birds of the New World

    Nahuatl Name: OuetzaltototlScientific Name: Pharomachrus mocinnoCommon Names: Resplendent Quetzal Nahuatl Name: Tzinitzcan, teutzinutzcanScientific Name: Trogon mexicanusCommon Names: Mountain Trogon, Collared Trogon Nahuatl Name: XiuhtototlScientific Name: Cotinga amabilisCommon Names: Lovely Cotinga Nahuatl Name: TlauhauecholScientific Name: Ajaia AjajaCommon Names: Roseate Spoonbill Nahuatl Name: CuapachtototlScientific Name: Piaya cayanaCommon Names: Squirrel Cuckoo Nahuatl Name: ChalchiuhtototlScientific Name: Cyanerpes cyaneusCommon Names:…

    Birds of the New World