
  • Making Orchid Glue

    16 c. Drawing of chichiltictepetzacuxochitl. by Dr. Francisco Hernandez (epiphytic orchid Laelia autumnalis) 16 c. Drawing of amatzauhtli by Dr. Francisco Hernandez (epiphytic orchid Encyclia pastoris) Photography of Laelia pseudo-bulbs. More to come…

    Making Orchid Glue
  • Birds of the New World

    Nahuatl Name: OuetzaltototlScientific Name: Pharomachrus mocinnoCommon Names: Resplendent Quetzal Nahuatl Name: Tzinitzcan, teutzinutzcanScientific Name: Trogon mexicanusCommon Names: Mountain Trogon, Collared Trogon Nahuatl Name: XiuhtototlScientific Name: Cotinga amabilisCommon Names: Lovely Cotinga Nahuatl Name: TlauhauecholScientific Name: Ajaia AjajaCommon Names: Roseate Spoonbill Nahuatl Name: CuapachtototlScientific Name: Piaya cayanaCommon Names: Squirrel Cuckoo Nahuatl Name: ChalchiuhtototlScientific Name: Cyanerpes cyaneusCommon Names:…

    Birds of the New World