Birds of the New World

Nahuatl Name: Ouetzaltototl
Scientific Name: Pharomachrus mocinno
Common Names: Resplendent Quetzal

Nahuatl Name: Tzinitzcan, teutzinutzcan
Scientific Name: Trogon mexicanus
Common Names: Mountain Trogon, Collared Trogon

Nahuatl Name: Xiuhtototl
Scientific Name: Cotinga amabilis
Common Names: Lovely Cotinga

Nahuatl Name: Tlauhauechol
Scientific Name: Ajaia Ajaja
Common Names: Roseate Spoonbill

Nahuatl Name: Cuapachtototl
Scientific Name: Piaya cayana
Common Names: Squirrel Cuckoo

Nahuatl Name: Chalchiuhtototl
Scientific Name: Cyanerpes cyaneus
Common Names: Red-legged Honeycreeper

Nahuatl Name: Xochitenacatl
Scientific Name: Aulacorhynchus prasinus
Common Names: Groove-billed Toucanet

Nahuatl Name: Ayocuan
Scientific Name: Agamia agami
Common Names: Chestnut-bellied Heron

Nahuatl Name: Xiuhquechol
Scientific Name: Momotus mexicanus
Common Names: Russet-crowned Motmot

Nahuatl Name: Xionpalquechol
Scientific Name: Eumomota superciliosa
Common Names: Turquoise-browed Motmot

Nahuatl Name: Elotototl
Scientific Name: Guiraca caerulea
Common Names: Blue Grosbeak

Nahuatl Name: Itzcuauhtli
Scientific Name: Aquila chrysaetos
Common Names: Golden Eagle

Nahuatl Name: Aztatl
Scientific Name: Egretta alba
Common Names: Great Egret

Nahuatl Name: Mox*
Scientific Name: Ara militaris 
Common Names: Militarv Macaw

Nahuatl Name: Ah-k’ota*
Scientific Name: Ara macao
Common Names: Scarlet Macaw

Nahuatl Name: Toztli Ik-K’an-ts’ul-op*
Scientific Name: Amazona oratrix
Common Names: Yellow-headed Parrot

Nahuatl Name: Huitzillin
Scientific Name: In Mexico, at least 53 species of hummingbirds have been identified. 
Common Names: Hummingbird (Sabrewing, Emerald, Hermit, Starthroat, Sheartail, etc.)

Nahuatl Name: Tzacua
Scientific Name: Psarocolius montezuma
Common Names: Montezuma Oropendola

*Maya names